Friday, May 1, 2009

She's here!

Nothing like getting back to the blog after 3 months! Baby Lia is here and doing awesome, she weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. She came into this world at 7:41 PM on Monday April 27th 2009 after her wonderful mother was in labor for 21 hours. So far everything has been perfect and baby and mom are doing well! Sleep has been in short order of course but besides that there isn't much to report. All the animals have done wonderful and our dog Dempsey has welcomed Lia with open arms, he is very protective and really doesn't let her out of his site. Our two cats are pretty cool with it so far, but I think they are still wondering when she is going to leave. Oh well, things are wonderful and the whole experience was very surreal, hope to post more soon!

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